Monday, September 04, 2006

Blog Three: getting the hang of it

Ay ay ay! Just realised that some people had actually read this and written comments and I never knew or responded or anything. I am REALLY SORRY. And thank you sosos sososososososo much. So now even more I am going to be responsive and appreciative.

And in answer to your questions:

1) the blog is me (aha! which of us is me, you may ask. Ha ha ha! Not telling.)
2) the idea for Lionboy came from bedtime stories told by a tired mum who couldn't think of anything to tell a story about to a chirpy kid who didn't want to go to sleep. So the kid thought up subjects (a naughty boy! a whale! running away! a circus with zebras in!) and the mum thought up things in response and put them all together as stories, and from that little acorn the great Lionboy trilogy sprouted.
by the way our aunt who is also a writer had a little brother who would ask for stories about.... a lovely little electric plug. So really, we had it easy.

cheeriooooh. We are now going away to think up miore good dieas for exciting books.

(I do hope some of you come back....)

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