Monday, September 04, 2006

Post Four

Also I feel you should know that I am NOT posting at 5.18 in the morning. That would be way past my bedtime. It is in fact about half past one, ie a little past my lunchtime. But for some reason (perhaps my computer thinks it is in Japan, or the Andeman Islands, or up the Empire State Building) 5.18 is what comes up. I shall perhaps attempt to ask the computer why, and try to change it.
Now there's a good way to avoid work!

the technical term for this, dear reader, is 'displacement activity'. Writers know a lot about this.

How about a book about a girl spy, who pretends to be ineterested in only nailpolish but is really a black-belt karate with a personal jet-pack hidden in her dad's shed disguised as a lawnmower, who is under contract to the government and scoots off to save the world every day after school?

Just a thought.

1 comment:

Zizou Alphonse Corder, PhD said...

Bless you. You are really nice. perhaps I should employ when I am feeling sad to follow me round saying your nice things. But I donlt suppose that would be allowed.