Thursday, July 05, 2007

Blog Ten: HOT NEWS - and lots of it

When I say HOT NEWS - actually I can't give you *all* the actual HOT NEWS yet ... but I can give you some HOT NEWS, and I can tell you there will be some more HOT NEWS.

Here is the HOT NEWS I can't really tell you yet - the HOT NEWS will be that we have had a Hollywood offer for our LIONBOY FILM RIGHTS - so LIONBOY the FILM is once again a Hot Hollywood Possibility.

Here is our current fantasy cast list:
Charlie: You
Aneba: Samuel Jackson
Magdalen: Julianne Moore
The Lions: Loads of REAL LIONS
Rafi: Rafi Gavron

Other HOT News:
Our new book, previously known as The Book of Nebo, now has a new and much better title. It is now called....


What do you think? Better, isn't it?

And it is coming out in February 2008.


about the Competition to win US as mentors for your school:

decision day is looming. We are down to the last two schools, and they each sent in such lovely art works that we are having a really hard time deciding. One sent a lovely printed silk scarf with a scene of Maccomo under the tree, and Elsina and the Young Lion snoozing. The other sent a great Lion's Head with the mane made out of handprints - really clever and effective. And they both did illustrations, a story board, all kinds of good stuff. So how can we possibly choose? but we have to. And so we will.

Then next year the adult Zizou will go in four times a term to the school and work with the kids on all sorts of fun stuff. Indeed I will be their Pet Author. I'll be writing about it here and I am really looking forward to it. I love going in to do school visits. Quite often I get biscuits. But mostly I like meeting you lot and hearing what you have to say.


ZOOLATRY said...

Hi... just to let you know, a blog named THE CAT REALM (out of England, I think) is having a contest where we introduce new blogs to one another. I do a "cat blog" (am in Florida)... called Zoolatry. I found ZIZOU in my search, and LOVE IT ALL... so I chose to introduce you to other blog readers. You can go to my site to see what I wrote... though under the names of my cats, Maggy and Zoey... I shall soon look for your book for my "human" granddaughter, as I think your books sound wonderful; plus, my granddaughters name is also Isabel.

The Simpsons said...

Dear Zizou, I have recently finished Lee Raven and enjoyed every page of it. I won't be wokring for penguin anymore by the time it is published but wanted to cheer you on and wish you all the best. Will there be another Lee Raven story?